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You are not alone. We are here for you.

Safe at Home is a fund created by the Kelowna Softball community to provide immediate, funded mental health counselling for its members. We have tragically lost several men to profound mental health challenges, and this is how we hope to help. Safe at Home is driven by the softball community, to be used by said community as a response to this very real, very serious identified need. 


If you are a member of the Kelowna Softball Community, and find yourself struggling your mental health - please reach out. We can help you, right now. Contact info is at the bottom of this page. 

Ways to Donate


Deli Don Classic 2024

Raffle Prizes


Home Run Bracelets


Bat Raffle

The Deli Don Classic is Kelowna's biggest (and most fun!) annual softball tournament. It's the last tournament before the season ends, and it's a fantastic time. This year, there is a band, a dunk tank, 50/50 draw, bat raffle and much more. It will be a time to remember, so come on down - watch some softball, open your wallets and provide real-time, critically needed mental health support for our community.

Sponsors ($1000+)

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Access Safe at Home Mental Health Services

If you are experiencing mental health challenges, and you are a part of the Kelowna Softball Community, we can help. Please send an email to for a referral. 


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